Easy Ways to Protect Your Hearing This Summer

Man trimming bushes with electric trimmer while wearing hearing protection.

Finally, it’s summertime!!

This summer season has tons of fun. But before you hit the beach, the concert, or the backyard barbecue, remember to take care of your hearing.

When you’re out appreciating summer, remember that your hearing can be damaged by loud noises. In the summer you’re a lot more likely to be exposed to loud sounds, so it’s really important to take the appropriate steps to protect your hearing.

One of the most important steps is using earplugs, particularly under certain conditions.

Going for a swim

Even in clean pools, there can be parasites and bacteria that can trigger swimmer’s ear. You can prevent infections by keeping water out of your ears and earplugs can help you do this.

While pool-borne infection is rarely serious, polluted water getting inside of your ear canal can have unhealthy effects. It can cause inflammation, pain, and even temporary hearing loss.

The eardrum and also the delicate inner workings of the ear can be damaged by neglected infections.

If you’re going into a hot tub or pool it won’t be possible to steer clear of all germs and pathogens, but your ears can get some protection by wearing a pair of swimmers earplugs.

Concerts and live performances

Summer is the ideal time for an evening of live music. But live concerts are usually really loud.

You may be exposed to over 120dB of volume depending on the spot that you’re standing. That’s enough to trigger instant and lasting hearing loss.

Earplugs are designed to reduce sound, not distort it. The level of sound that can be blocked by earplugs will be determined by an NRR rating of between 20 and 33. 20dB of sound will be blocked by earplugs with a 20 NRR rating. So a 120-dB concert will be reduced to around 100 dB.

However, that’s still a potentially harmful level.

The closer to the speaker you are, the higher NRR you’ll need to safeguard your ears and prevent irreversible hearing damage. Within 15 minutes, you can experience permanent hearing damage even if you use the highest level of protection. Use earplugs and stand well away from the speakers for optimum protection.

The same applies to indoor concerts, sporting events, plays, movies, barbecues, festivals, or other events where sounds are being boosted through speakers.

Yard work

The grass is going to keep growing so mowing will be required pretty much every week. You routinely edge the flowerbeds and weed the steps to keep your yard from looking like a mess. Then you keep the long grass under control with a weed-whacker.

Power equipment and other yard tools can be very loud, and prolonged exposure can and will damage your hearing. The noise from this equipment can be decreased and your ears can be protected by wearing earplugs.

If you’re mowing without earplugs, you’re slowly damaging your ears and it will become more evident over time.

Independence Day

It wouldn’t be Independence Day without them. On the 4th of July, we will all be celebrating our country’s independence. But there’s a dark side to fireworks. They can generate up to 175dB of noise. That’s as loud as a gun being fired right next to your head!

You’ll definitely want earplugs if you’re attending a big fireworks show. If you’re near to the action, the highest NRR rating is suggested. You’ll still hear the fireworks and they will still be loud, but you’ll be protecting your ears from future hearing loss.

Safeguarding your hearing is important

Don’t wait until your hearing loss is extreme to seek help. Hearing loss related to loud noise can’t be reversed and since it takes place so slowly, most people don’t realize they’re damaging their hearing. Have your hearing assessed regularly by us to determine your risk level.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.